Timewalk is a luxury goods store specializing in items such as watches and jewelry, established in Miami, FL., offering top brands like Patek Philippe, Rolex, Audemars Piguet, Cartier, among others.
Branding, Brand Identity, Brand Strategy, Social Media Design, Merch
In addition to the brand identity, we also conducted a brand workshop where we worked to find the value proposition and brand essence that sets Timewalk apart from its competitors.
A logo representing that time never stops and is infinite, with a minimalist and elegant aesthetic. Accompanied by a graphic universe composed of colors and elements that honor the brand's personality.
Additionally, we have developed a series of messages that stem from our value proposition, highlighting the importance of our customers time. We achieve this through a highly personalized and stress-free shopping experience, providing them with a solution in record time and delivering a product that not only adds value to their lifestyle but also represents a significant investment.
Thank you.


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